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The Face Mask & "Maskcessories" Shop
Handmade Face Masks

Sarah has been very busy sewing face masks utilizing her gorgeous array of fabrics. Each and every mask she creates is imbibed with so much love.  As she sews each mask, Sarah sends beautiful intentions

and loving thoughts of good health and peace for the person who will receive the mask.


Each mask is $10 plus $7.75 for priority mail shipping. 3 masks for $27.  


Newest Additions:

Serenity By the Sea Gratitude and Tillie masks!  These masks are $15.


Face Mask Sets: Now you, your child and their American Girl Doll can have a matching set of masks!  $25 per set.  American Girl Doll masks also sold separately for $6 each.

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SBTS Facemask
Face Mask Holders
Who else hates removing/putting on your mask a million times a day?  These awesome face mask holders allow you to easily put your mask off & on while keeping it handy!  
Adult Mask Holders $6
Children's Mask Lanyards $8
Mask Mists
Mask Mists are blends of 100% essential oils that will refresh your face masks with just a few spritzes.  Available Scents:
Lavender,  On Guard, Wild Orange, and
Breathe. $10
Now you and your children can create your own MASKerpiece!  We will send a piece of fabric to you that you can use magic markers or acrylic paint to design your own artwork!  We'll also include  a postage-page envelope for you to return the fabric back to us, and we will turn it into a mask!  What a unique way to display your artwork and personality!
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Just Charmin', Darlin' Face Mask Charms

Add some zen to your face mask with Sarah's new face mask charms!

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